Box Office Hours
Tuesday - Friday
10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
(319) 688-2653
Ticketing: Nonstudent $35 | $25
College student $31 | $10
Senior Citizen $31 | $22
Youth $17 | $10
Purchase tickets at the Box Office or Online
More Info: Hancher
Deke Sharon—the man Entertainment Weekly calls “father of contemporary a cappella”—brings together a cast of vocal powerhouses for a musical adventure spanning the ages. Performing everything from Gregorian chant to contemporary Top 40 hits, the singers of Vocalosity won’t need a single instrument to delight your entire family. Sharon, whose vocal producer credits include the Pitch Perfect movies and NBC’s The Sing-Off, promises, “Vocalosity is a fast-paced, exhilarating exploration of this one-of-a-kind musical style and we couldn’t be more thrilled to bring it to audiences across the country.”