Renovations Begin at The Englert Theatre

Blueprint of the Englert facade

We are excited to announce that with the funds raised for the preservation aspect of the capital campaign, renovations begin at The Englert Theatre… TODAY!

It’s been a difficult year for everyone and the arts have not been spared. In the midst of current challenges, we are excited to share this good news.

Last year, in pre-pandemic times, we launched a capital campaign, Strengthen • Grow • Evolve, with our neighbors at FilmScene. One of the biggest goals of the campaign is to preserve our historic theater and FilmScene’s original location on the Ped Mall. For over a year, Englert staff has worked with OPN Architects to finalize the renovations for our historic space.

Construction will include:

  • A complete restoration of our marquee
  • Preservation work on our front facade
  • Replacement of our roof
  • Improvement of our HVAC systems
  • Renovation of the second-floor
  • Structural work on the back wall of the stage

If not for the community’s generous support of the Strengthen • Grow • Evolve campaign, none of this work would have been possible. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our goal.

There is still work to do! We encourage you to visit the Strengthen • Grow • Evolve website to learn about how we are building the greatest small city for the arts with our partner, FilmScene, and to see what goals have been met and what we’re still working toward.

Construction updates will be included in our weekly emails to newsletter subscribers. We promise to share some pretty momentous occasions, including a disappearing marquee!? Stay tuned for more information!

We can’t wait to celebrate the beloved space with the community once it’s safe to do so.

–The Englert Staff

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